From permits to location scouts, to aerial filming, to crew & equipment. We offer turnkey solutions for your next project in the Middle East. Our producers have lived and worked in the region for over 10 years.


Creating a powerful corporate film is an art. We take the time to research the perfect directors that can truly understand and project our Client’s brand into beautiful storytelling visuals.


Our production house or Yes Events includes a variety of extremely talented and award-winning music video directors who have worked with some of the worlds, top artists & Celebrities.


A picture is worth a thousand words. We are constantly on the look out for the latest and most talented photographers to make your stills campaign speak one million words with Yes Events.


We utilize assets from all over the world including post production facilities in eastern Europe and the UAE. At YES we strive to create tailor-made solutions to increase production value and maximize the impact of your Client’s film.


We LOVE storytelling. Small budgets can go a long way if the story, research and execution is right. That’s where we come in. Research, research and more research.